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Breeding and youngstock

Dawn Til Dusk

Stable name:  Tilly
Height:  16.1 hh
Born: 2004
Breeding:  By Presenting x Effisio
Tilly is an ex-racehorse who suffered a severe soft tissue injury early in her career. With exceptional breeding, she came to us for rehabilitation and and has been enjoying her new job as a broodmare for the past few years. We have had some very exciting offspring with the fantastic potential, which will hopefully be out and competing in the near future. She is currently in foal to Ramiro B.

Gardenia - lost in 2020

Owner: Melanie Etherington

Stable name:  Jazz
Height:  16.2 hh
Born: 2005
Breeding:  By Gardeur x Proud Cruise
Jazz was on the Eventing Equine Pathway before coming to us but unfortunately due to lameness had to end her promising career as an Event horse. Her owner Melanie was keen to carry on her sweet nature and stunning looks in the next generation. In 2016 she had 2 stunning embryo transfer foals by Everdale; we have big hopes for their future in dressage. Sadly the decision was made to put Jazz to sleep in lockdown due to lameness we couldn't manage.

Springtime Stardust

Stable name:  Ziggy
Height: 16hh
Born: 2016
Breeding:  Ricardo Z x Presenting
Home bred.
Ziggy is a quiet-natured horse who tends to connect to one person. Small and fast, she looked destined to be a "pocket-rocket" with the same need for speed as her mother. Unfortunately, after suffering with colitis as a foal Ziggy developed adhesions which made the pressure from saddle and leg painful. In 2022 we decided to turn Ziggy to stud work, given her fantastic breeding!

Cavcoe Mulcreevy - lost in 2021
Cavco Mulcreevy

Stable name:  Maggie
Height: 16.2 hh
Born: 1998 
Breeding:  By Cavalier Royale x ChanticleCovers xx
Maggie is a premium ISH broodmare previously at Mullentine stud.  Her offspring include many successful eventers and show jumpers on the European circuit, with some also sold to America. She has produced some gorgeous youngsters for us and we made the decision to retire her at the age of 18. She enjoyed her retirement as baby sitter for our youngstock for a few years before sadly being down in 2021 for health reasons.

Springtime Kiwi

Stable name:  Kiwi
Height: unknown
Born: 2018
Breeding: Ramiro B x Presenting
Kiwi was named after the 'kiwis' that won Badminton that year; Classic Moet and Jonelle Price. She is extremely sweet-natured but introverted, enjoying one-on-one attention from staff. With lovely straight-moving paces, we look forward to seeing how she develops over the next few years. She will be broken this winter. 

Springtime Marvel

Stable name:  Marvel
Height: unknown
Born: 2019
Breeding: Ramiro B x Presenting
Kiwi was such a beautiful foal that we decided to have another Ramiro B the next year! Marvel is named after the circumstances of his birth. Tilly was 3 weeks overdue and we were  after endless sleepless nights. One evening we decided to head out to watch the latest marvel film and arrived home to find Marvel had come into the world only minutes before!

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