Competition Horses
The Last Cavalier

Stable name: Tiggy
Rider Katie Kneen
Height: 17.1hh
Born: 2005
Breeding: By Last News x Cavalier Royale
Bred by Mullentine Stud.
Tiggy was bought as a 2 year old and produced by Katie. He competed very successfully in eventing up to Intermediate level before moving into show jumping due to his careful nature. He competed successfully to Foxhunter/1.30m level and was placed 5th in the Grade C championships at Bicton Arena.
Over the last few years Tiggy has moved into pure dressage. He was part of the winning South West Home International team in 2019 and has competed at the Regional finals. He is currently competing at PSG level.
Master Voyager

Stable name: Dante
Rider: Alice Kneen
Height: 17.3hh
Born: 2008
Breeding: By Golden Master (Master Imp) x Cruising
Home Bred.
Dante was the first home bred at Springtime Equestrian and is known on the yard as the "big friendly giant". Whilst his size can be intimidating he has the most amazing temperament and heart, making him a pleasure to train. He has competed successfully up to BE intermediate but after an injury in 2020 we made the decision to move him into pure dressage to avoid a major injury given his size.
He is loving it and has definitely improved Alice's standard of dressage. We have hopes of reaching small tour level eventually
Dazzling Springtime

Stable name: Apollo
Rider: Alice Kneen
Height: 16.3hh
Born: 2009
Breeding: By Catheston Dazzler x Sailing x Cruising
Home bred.
Originally produced by Katie, Apollo had a hesitant start to his eventing career, due to his sharp character. However over the last few years as he has matured Apollo has had great success with Alice in eventing. In 2019 he became well established at CIC3* this year finishing in the top 25 in his first 3 day at Hartpury, whilst also adding a national win to his name. He successfully completed his first Advanced in 2021.
Sadly in 2022 he was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease which affects his eyes; the prognosis is a bit of an unknown so we have made the sad decision to abandon our plans for his 4 star, and an eventual Badminton completion, and are taking things as they come. As long as he is happy and healthy he will compete at whatever level is suitable to him.
Mullentine R Royale

Stable name: Minstrel
Rider: Alice Kneen
Height: 16.3hh
Born: 2011
Breeding: Mermus R x Cavalier Royale
Home bred.
Though Minstrel has shown talent and competed in all three discplines, his incredible love and talent for show jumping could not be denied.
Our friends at Jabeena Maslin equestrian were very keen to produce him for us due to clashing events with dressage and eventing. He has successfully competed up to 1.40m, with wins at every level, qualifying for HOYs in 2021. We have high hopes for his future.
Springtime Navigator

Stable name: Roo
Rider: Katie Kneen
Height: 16.3hh
Age: 2010
Breeding: By Wish Upon a Star x Cruising
Home bred.
After being sold in 2017 to a young rider Roo came back us at the end of 2019 after suffering an injury. After period of rest we were able to bring him back into work and start rebuilding his confidence. With paces to die for Katie decided to keep him and produce Roo up the levels of dressage, alongside Tiggy.
With time and support Roo has regained his confidence in the ring and will be looking for a new home where he can be their focus and move up the levels of dressage.
Springtime Gypsy Moth

Stable name: Apple
Rider: Katie Kneen
Height: 16hh
Age: 2013
Breeding: Tresor Mail x Cruising
Home bred.
Apple may be small compared to her brothers, but she quickly developed a reputation for being a big jumper! After jumping clear over a 5 bar gate as yearling she has also jumped clean out of the indoor school over a 1.50m door, from trot! Apple has a lovely, relaxed temperament and acts more like a 16 year old then a 6 year old. She unfortubately picked up a soft tissue injury in 2019 which delayed her affiliated career. Having competing in unaffiliated competitions and at BD, Apple completed her first BE Novice in 2022. Funds allowing, we hope this will be the first of many!
Springtime Moonstone

Stable name: Lyra
Rider: Katie Kneen
Height: 16.2hh
Born: 2014
Breeding: Wish Upon A Star x Cavalier Royale
Home bred.
Nicknamed "princess" due to her elegant movement and jumping style. Lyra is a very sensitive mare so fantastically suited to Katie's relaxing riding technique. She has been produced slowly due to her quirky nature.
In 2022, Lyra started her second season eventing and has matured and progressed so much in her confidence. She completed her first BE Novice mid-2022 and loved every minute!
Springtime Sailing

Stable name: Elsa
Rider: Alice Kneen
Height: 16.3hh
Born: 2014
Breeding: Grafenstolz x Cruising
Home bred.
Elsa was born to event! Lovely paces and extremely brave we hope she will be an exciting future prospect. Unfortunately she suffered an injury in 2021 and so we decided to have a foal from her whilst on rest.
Mango (by Party Trick) was born without complications summer 2022. Once weaned we hope to bring Elsa back into work and see how she goes. If she comes back sound she is one definitely set for top level eventing.
Springtime Forest Run

Stable name: Forest
Rider: Alice Kneen
Height: 17hh
Born: 2015
Breeding: Jaguar Mail x Cavalier Royale
Home bred.
Forest is lovingly named after "Forest Gump", due to having splints placed on her front legs as a foal. They certainly did the job and she has developed beautifully! Due to her size, after breaking and producing her as a 5 yr old Forest unfortunately was diagnosed with a joint issue in each stifle due to her size! Having just lost her mother we decided Forest was perfect to fill Maggies shoes.
Pimms (by Utopia) was born without complication in the summer of 2022.
Springtime Presents

Stable name: Reggie
Rider: Katie Kneen
Height: 16hh
Born: 2015
Breeding: Grafenstolz x Presenting
Home bred.
Reggie had a difficult start contracting Salmonella as a 3 yr old and spending a week in hospital. As a result his ridden career was delayed.
As expected with his racing lineage, Reggie has a need for speed! He has a massive personality and can be very cheeky! He has a lot of natural ability and enthusiasm but can suffer with nerves. After a wobbly first season eventing, he came out in 2022 with a new found confidence. We hope to continue to build on this through the season.
Springtime Chilli Morning
Stable name: Fawkes
Rider: Alice Kneen
Height: 17hh
Born: 2016
Breeding: Chilli Morning x Cavalier Royale
Home bred.
Fawkes has a very laid back temperament and loves human interaction. Another with a difficult start, becoming seriously ill as a foal. It was touch and go whether he would recover to fulfill a competitive career and we were told he had less than a 25% chance of being sound to ride. However, we had a lot of faith in him and his ability so made the decision to keep going. With impressive natural talent and a good nature we have big hopes for his future and we will continue to produce him very slowly and prioritise his health. In 2022 he has been given the all clear to start his eventing career!
Springtime Evergreen +
Springtime Stardust
Owner: Melanie Etherington
Stable name: Bowie
Height: 16.1hh
Born: 2016
Breeding: Everdale x
Embryo Transfer
Melanie has been a great supporter of Springtime Equestrian for a number of years and is like a part of the family. She came to us after her horse Gardenia (Jazz) suffered an injury which cut her promising competition career short. Melanie was understandably keen to maintain the fantastic talent and pedigree of her beloved mare. We were successful in obtaining an embryo transfer from Jazz, with Bowie and Zena being born in 2015. Both have developed into eye-catching and elegant youngsters. Zena and Bowie were backed in 2019 and will be given a few months to grow and develop before starting their dressage careers.
Stable name: Minx
Height: 16.2hh
Born: 2017
Breeding: Herald III x Cavalier Royale
Home bred
Minx was given her name days after being born thanks to her amazing personality. Endlessly curious and energetic Minx has a brain that needs constant stimulation. Since being backed, it is obvious that she is a horse that thrives with work and stimulation. We have very high hopes for her future, we just need to decide which discipline she enjoys the most!